Photo Credit www.enviroblog.org/white_house.jpg
Today in tthe mail we got our birth congratulations for our precious baby girl. I sent in her information about 2 months ago as I wanted to get this done before the President of her birth (GWB) left office. In the past my husband and I got a greating for our wedding just by sending a wedding invitation to the White House/President. You can do it too for major anniversaries, weddings, births, or even adoptions.
Step3: Include the name and address of the person you wish to receive the greeting. List the date of the event and the names of all parties.
Step4: Expect the person to receive an elegant embossed congratulations card from the White House
How to Get Your Special Annoucement From the White House
Step 1: Request congratulations from the President and the First Lady for the birth of a baby, an important anniversary, a wedding or an adoption.
Step2: Write to White House Greetings Office, Room 39, Washington, DC 20500.
Step3: Include the name and address of the person you wish to receive the greeting. List the date of the event and the names of all parties.
Step4: Expect the person to receive an elegant embossed congratulations card from the White House
Florida Residents: Governor Crist also recognizes major birthdays. Fill out your information Here.
PS I got one more birth greeting today in the mail. The White House has send me three so far for one request. I am thinking they make sure their citizens get these things. No one must be forgotten.
1 comment:
I am going to try this, I have never heard of such a thing!
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