Walgreens is on a roll with freebies, moneymakers, and cheap items!
Dry Idea Antiperspirant/Deodorant 2.25-4 oz $2.99 (get $2 RRs)
$2 printable (coupons.com coupon. Use my left column to click the link or click on the icon below.)
Thanks to Stephanie at The Coupon Game!
Thank you!! I have those printable coupons already printed and headed to walgreens in the morning. I wasnt sure walgreens took printed coupons and thats something i was gonna ask.
my walgreens would not let me use the 2.00 off because it said roll on deorderant. I did manage to get it for .29 cent with coupon because it was on sale.
Hey Girl! Thanks for the mention!
I am so new to this and shopping at Walgreen's and I am really confused. I went happy with the intent to get the Dry Idea deal and the RR did not print. I did get to use the $2 coupon though. Still... I wanted the deal! I love your site and am happy to learn as much as I can. Is there anything I can do about getting those RRs or is it a lost cause?
Also, you noted in your Walgreen's RR Post that you CAN use a manufacture coupon and still get the sale price AND the RR. The manager at this location told me you can't use a coupon AND get the RR; its one or another.
I am also wondering if me redeeming the coupon for a Free Irish Spring Body Wash and using that coupon first before the other coupons had an effect.
Any hints help.
Another site - maybe i heart wags - said you can't use the coupon and get the RR because they are the same UPC. At my Walgreens I got the Dry Idea unscented gel on clearance for $1.29 and still got the $2 RR - $0.71 Moneymaker!
Shan R....good work. I do this all the time. Combining RRs and coupons. It does work. I have done it regularly since I started couponing. Remember, give your RR before your coupons.
Livin That Fit Vida - if you got the RIGHT Dry Idea, the RRs should have printed. I would compare your purcahse to the Walgreens flier. Does it match. If so call the Catalina company and tell them your RRs did not print 1-888-826-8766. Option 3 is for consumers By giving them your receipt information they can tell you if you did something wrong. I have combined coupons and RRs since I started couponing. You can call corporate about this so they can correct the manager or you can try another Walgreens. I have not run into this problem and I have gone to DOZENS of Walgreens. I am so sorry you found this. About the wash...I am not sure I understood your question. Use it along with your coupons when you give the cashier all your coupons for the total.YOu might have trouble with this coupon and a manager might have to come over and okay it. This happened with me but it was no big deal.
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