I just HAD to tell you how much I appreciate your linking to me again. Following Dr. Phil's show, my stats have busted my all time site visit record for one day. It is at 5000 currently and climbing.
You did such a nice job on the air. I was so proud you got a chance to speak to the world and tell them what we already know.
As a small thanks, I have linked to you in a post I am working on and telling my readers about your Dr. Phil adventure!
I am a wife, mom, teacher, couponer - a woman of many different hats. I love Jesus, my church, my family (including my cat,) my friends, the beach, and chocolate. I have been frugal shopping for many years. My desire is that this website will allow you to stretch your pennies as far as I have so that you can give back to your family, community, church, and other charitable organizations. The other day, I finally learned why I am who I am when I learned that my aunt trippled a 30 year old coupon that had no expiration date. Who keeps a 30 year old coupon? My aunt and I do.
Thanks for linking. I really appreciate it. I hope my match-ups help loads of folks stretch their budget.
I just HAD to tell you how much I appreciate your linking to me again. Following Dr. Phil's show, my stats have busted my all time site visit record for one day. It is at 5000 currently and climbing.
You did such a nice job on the air. I was so proud you got a chance to speak to the world and tell them what we already know.
As a small thanks, I have linked to you in a post I am working on and telling my readers about your Dr. Phil adventure!
I know you must be dancing in the street tonight!
Ginger --- also dancing in the streets!
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