I am thrilled for the opportunity to share a Entertainment Book with one lucky reader AGAIN (look for more opportunties.) How many do you think I am giving away? Well my friends at Entertainment Book are allowing me to hand out another...aren't they great?!?!
Did you know the following about the 2009 Entertainment book?
*Every Entertainment book contains thousands of dollars in savings while supporting local schools and community groups
*Americans saved more than $1 billion dollars last year using the Entertainment book
*Consumers can get 2-for-1 deals and save up to 50% and at restaurants, movie theaters, retailing shopping, hotels, airlines, sporting events, dry cleaners and more
*You can get your local Entertainment book from local schools, community groups and non-profits or on http://www.entertainment.com/
*You can also go online and print out even more coupons on http://www.entertainment.com/
How to enter - There are NOW 3 possible ways:
By Monday 3/9
1) Leave a comment below with your email address and which book you would prefer. Go HERE to see the different editions.
2) Still with the name/email in the comment, subscribe to my feed (top left of page) and let me know.
3) Still with the name/email in comment, subscribe to my email newsletter (top left of page) and let me know.
Only one to three entries per person. Repeat entrees will be erased. If the winner does not claim their price by Thursday 3/12 a new winner will be annouced.
Hi! Please enter me in your Entertainment Book contest. My name is Kelly & my e-mail is pixiedustbelly@gmail.com. I would need the Dayton/Springfield (OH) edition if I win. Iwas already on your RSS feed but I just joined your e-mail list too. Great site! I can't thank you enough for all the good info!!! :)
Hi my name is Jenn. Please enter me into your Entertainment book giveaway for the CHicago west suburbs. My email is jkrabb@yahoo.com.
Thanks for all your info....I'm a newbie at the coupon thing!
P.S.I signed up for your feed and newsletter.
My name is Julie and email is osburns5@gmail.com. I would LOVE to win a Memphis Entertainment book! Thanks for all you do for frugal moms.
I would love to enter the contest as well!!! My name is Blessed and e-mail is blessiemarie157@yahoo.com. I would need the MO-St. Louis edition.
I saw you on Dr. Phil. I'm back to seriously clipping coupons again because of you. Thanks!
'09 Des Moines Entertainment Book
My name is Kaylyn, my email is bkwillis8989@yahoo.com and I would like to enter the Entertainment book giveaway. I live in Oregon and would like the oregon book. Thank you for your site. I am new at the whole online coupon clipping but an eager to learn and use them. I have never subscribed to anyones site before so this one is the first. I think I signed up for all your stuff but I am not for sure.
Thank you again. You are a life saver, not to mention a money saver!!
Please enter me into the coupon book giveaway.
Orange County, CA book please.
Thanks so much!
my name is laura. and i am new to your site. great info. can you place me in your contest to win the entertainment book for bay area, ca/ east bay area? i need as much help i can get. since my surgeries 2 years ago , i have not stepped out for any entertainment because evrything is so expensive you know.
i saw you on dr phil. can't thank enough! my email is lagredano@gmail.com.
question for you though......how do you manage to get all of your magazine subcriptions for free? i try, then when i least expect it, i get the bills and always have to cancel wheni find out it was a trial thing. :( I would love your secret on that.
i just joined your email list. i look forward in getting as much info as possible.
a also have another question, when i saw you on the show, you stated you spent $78.00 with the other ladies grocery bill. how do you manage because i don't always buy what the coupons offer?
i do try to buy what is on sale, and if i have coupons, use them. can you explain a little bit more on how you make this work for you.
i just had a baby, and i am on disability with no possibility to return to work so that means i will have to become self-employed somehow until i find a job so money is extremly tight.
i have 2 college accounts for my two older kids i am paying, and only my spouse is working, so yes i am screaming for as much savings as i can.
then i was suprised to know i became pregnant last year with my baby girl. last i remember i ws 16 and 17 when i had my other two kids, and so starting over has been great, but financially hard.
i would appreciate it if you can get to my questions. and sorry for bothering you. i need all the help i can get.
thank you! -laura
i wanted to share with you:
great giveaway and coupons from tylenol. - laura
hi,please enter me for the Entertainment Book contest. My name is jenn and my email is Jennggbug@yahoo.com. I would need the Des Moines Iowa edition.
Hi do you mind if I put a link to your site in my blog? I hope not you have some great info!
Hello, I am Emily and I am truly enjoying your posts. My email address is mrsl2007@gmail.com and I would like to be entered to win the Tri-Cities, Tennessee Entertainment Book. I have already subscribed to your newsletter and I am going to try and figure out how to sign up for the feed... although I have never done that before and I am not sure how. Thanks for letting me enter!
Saw you on Dr Phil and have been hooked ever since, I'm so excited for my first Sunday Newspaper delivery so I can get started! ha ha.
Please enter me!
Name: Melanie
E-mail: yates.melanie@gmail.com
Edition: Cincinnati
Hi my name is tammy and i would love to win a Entertainment Book. Please enter me in the contest. My E-mail is tamgoodwin@yahoo.com and i would need the Cincinnati,ohio edition
I would love it. My name is Lisa, my email is lisamela22@yahoo.com, and I would like the CT New Haven/New London edition. Thanks!
Please enter me in the contest! Laynie, layniejones@yahoo.com, Atlanta Entertainment Book
Please enter me into your Entertainment Book giveaway. I am new to your site and really like what I see! Thank-you!
Hi! My name is Priscilla and I would love to be in your Entertainment Book contest. My email is misspris72@gmail.com. My family has always used coupons before we moved to a town where the newspaper does not contain coupons. I am excited about the email list and the feed. I would need the Raleigh/Durham edition. Thank you for this opportunity! God Bless You!
HI! Just found your site and what an amazing resource... thank you!
Please enter me in your Entertainment Book Contest. I live in the Indianapolis/Central Indiana area. My name is Dawn and my e-mail is dawnmbass@yahoo.com Thanks again for all your info!!!
Please enter me in the Entertainment Book contest. My email address is rhondaarwood@hotmail.com and I am interested in the Greenville/Spartanburg South Carolina edition.
Hi...My name is Dawnell. Could you pleas enter me in the Entertainment book contest. Thank you so much for starting this web site. I've just went on my first frugal shopping trip and because of your tips I was able to save just over $47. Even my husband join in on. Thanks again
Harrisburg PA book
Hi! My name is Jamie and my e-mail is sanguine220@gmail.com I would love the opportunity to win the Jacksonville edition. Thanks so much!
My name is Debi and I would like to be entered in the Entertainment Book giveaway. I would like to receive the Greater Cleveland Edition. My email address is dillmon56@yahoo.com Thank you for sharing your knowledge of saving with coupons with the rest of us. It is truly appreciated.
I'd love to enter to win a Baltimore, Maryland Entertainment book! My name is Kim and my email is kimsqs@comcast.net
Hi! Please enter me in your Entertainment Book contest. My name is Rex & my e-mail is rexbaker1959@yahoo.com. I would need the The '09 Austin Entertainment® Book edition if I win. Great site!
please enter me in the contest!!! my name is ashleigh and my email is ashleighb2@hotmail.com. i would want the morris/north nj version of the book if i win.
great blog! i'm always looking for new ways to save, i'm certainly going to subscribe to the mailing list and keep an eye on your suggestions!
thanks! :)
Hi. My name is Christine. Please sign me up for your Entertainment Book contest. I live in the Jacksonville, FL area. I have signed up for your email list too. Great site!
Hi! Please throw my name in the contest. My e-mail is mrhawkin@earthlink.net and I would need the Columbia, SC edition.
Thanks so much for the contest!
Hello- Please enter me for the free book. My name is cindy. My email is cindy_lynn13@sbcglobal.net I would need the New Haven/New London (2009) connecticut edition. Thanks! I love your site. I saw you on Dr. Phil and Im hooked on couponing already!
Please enter me in the Entertainment Book for Lexington Ky. My name is Teri and my email is thoward99@windstream.net. Thank you so much for this site and sharing this information.
Hi I love your blog. Please enter me for the charlotte, NC book. karenahenderson@gmail.com
Hi, My name is Shanthini Sachchithananthan. Please enter me for the entertainment book contest for Boston and surrounding area. My email address is sivahars@gmail.com
Hi! Please enter me in your Entertainment Book contest. My name is Christine and my e-mail is ctheilac@bellsouth.net I also subscribed to your email. I need the Jacksonville, FL edition if I win. Thanks! Great site!
Hi! Please enter me in your Entertainment Book contest. My name is Cynthia and my email address is cdd33@charter.net. I would need the Worcester Country/MA edition. I just joined yesterday and did a grocery trip to stock up on a few items. My total came to 79.24 and i only paid 34.21 after all of the savings i found! Thank you so much for your resources!!
Please enter me in your Entertainment Book Contest. My name is Toni and my email is carrtunes@juno.com.
What a blessing your site is for someone like me that has much to learn! I have been using coupons for awhile now but not like I want to and need do. Thanks for all your useful information. Blessings!
Hi! I would love to entered to win the baltimore/maryland.
e-mail mrsstethoscope@live.com my name is sarah
oh! pick me! sivyerb at yahoo dot com. and i would like the jacksonville florida edition, please! also, i added my email and subscribed to your feed! thanks for the giveaway!
Silly me...I just entered the contest but forgot to list which Entertainment Book I would love. I would pick the Florida book - St. Petersburg/Clearwater area.
Thanks :)
Hey! My name is Monica. My e-mail address is mondickens@yahoo.com. I would be ecstatic to win a Nashville TN entertainment book.
Thanks again for all your hard work!
My name is Kimberly. Please enter me in your Entertainment Book giveaway for the Tri-Cities, Tennessee version.
Thank you
Hi! Thanks so much for creating your great, money-saving website! I am entering your Entertainment Book contest for the Morris/Northern(NJ)edition. It would very much come in handy! My email is sjbsca@optonline.net.
Thanks and take care,
First, thanks for everything on your site - I am now addicted! I would love to win the Chicago West book. I love entertainment books but haven't bought one in a while. My email is mclancy@naperville203.org. I also subcribed to your newsletter and I follow you in Blogger! Thanks again for all your info!
Morning....my name is Teesha. Please enter me in your Entertainment book contest. My email is stout719@juno.com. I live in Richmond, VA - I noticed that there is only 1 book available for this area. I really enjoy your website and appreciate the great tips to save money! I'm frugal too and LOVE coupons and finding deals! Thank you!
Saw you on the Oprah show so pulled up your fantastic website. Thanks so much for all the helpful info. Makes savings so much easier and so glad you shared the info.
Please enter me in your entertainment book contest. I would need the Fort Lauderdale/W Palm edition. And thanks again for everything!!!
My name is Cheryl and email is cmhightower_2002@yahoo.com. I would like the Houston TX edition. Thank you!
Please enter me in the drawing for the 2009 entertainment book. My name is Sara and my email address is slp_email@verizon.net. I would like the Indiana-Fort Wayne edition. Thank you so much!
Please enter me in your Entertainment Book contest also.
Katheryn at katheryntownsend@yahoo.com in Lubbock TX.
I was already on your RSS feed but I also signed up for the emails!!
HI! Please enter me in the Entertainment book contest. My name is Jenni O'Dell and my email is jenniodell@comcast.net. I live in Atlatna, GA and would love to win the 2009 Atlanta version. I am so impressed by you and what you are sharing with us all. We really appreciate your hard work and effort!! Thank you!
Please enter me skyheli@yahoo.com for Tampa2009
Hi. My name is Mary,and I would like to be entered in the giveaway. My e-mail is mary_quinto@yahoo.com and I would need the Massachusetts Springfield, W. MA book! Thanks, I love your site! It's so helpful!
Hi. I would LOVE to win the Jackson, MS Edition Entertainment Book. Thanks so much for the great information on your site!
Hi! I love your blog. I follow it in my google reader & pass it on to friends & family.
I'm Jen and would like the Houston version. I normally buy from neighbor kids, but no one was selling this year.
halvorsonjen @ gmail. com is my email.
Thanks for all the info. It's got me back into couponing with a vengeance.
This is the best website out there! Thank you for doing all the work for us. Please enter me in your Entertainment Book contest. My name is Natasha, my email address is tslove_2000@yahoo.com. I am interested in the Richmond VA 2009 edition. I too just joined your email list. Thank you sooo much!
Hi - please enter me in your Entertainment Book giveway. My name is Jen and email is jengilbert8@comcast.net. I would need the New Hampshire edition. Thanks!
My name is Ann and my e-mail is yellowbutterfly82@gmail.com and would like to enter the contest for the Rochester (NY)edition of the entertainment book. Your website is great. Thanks for the redbox codes on Monday.
Hi Frugal Mom! I TOO Love Jesus, my family, my church and the beach and SAVING MONEY!! I have gone to the grocery several times with coupons and have found completely different brands that are cheaper than the coupon item......yet, after being inspired by you on the Dr. Phil show, I am ready to give this more attention!!
I would also like to win an Entertainment Book for Richmond Virginia. Thanks for your helpful and inspiring information!!
Please enter me for your Entertainment book giveaway! Here is my info:
Florida-sarasota edition
Hi, my name is Janet and I'm new to your site. I'm a mother of three and can use all the help I can get saving money. Please enter me in the Entertainment Book Contest. If I win I would need the Madison, WI edition. Thank you for all your adivise. I really appreciate it.
Hi, my name is Dottie please enter me in your entertainment book give away i would like the indps/Indiana my email is dot196523@yahoo.com thank you and I love your web site !!!!!
My name is Melinda and my email is greenmelinda6@gmail.com. The Entertainment Book I'd like to win, if drawn, is the New York City (NY) edition.
I recently signed up for your RSS feed and have been enjoying all the great deals on your website. I saw you on Dr. Phil and it's certainly motivated me to be a much more careful shopper. Thanks for sharing all the info and great savings.
Hi there. I saw you on Dr. Phil this week and have been reading your site non stop ever since. I've subscribed to your email list. My name is Carley. Email is joshncarley@yahoo.com. I would need the Ft. Worth, TX edition. THANK YOU!
Hi! My name is Crissy, please enter me in the Sacramento Ca, entertainment book.
My email is clovetoshop@aol.com
Thanks for all your hard work with your page!! I am new, as I seen you on Dr. Phil!!
Hello! My name is Adrienne Camacci. Please enter me in the Entertainment Book contest. My email is Adrienne722@yahoo.com and I am in Charlotte, NC. Thanks so much!
Hello. Please enter me into the Entertainment Book contest.
Name: Tammy
email: tammyg1515@yahoo.com
Lancaster/York PA edition
Please enter me, my name is Brenda and my email address is smith.brenda@gmail.com I would like the Greenville/Spartanburg edition.
Hello, Found your site on Frogpond!! This is a great site! WOW! My name is Stephanie and I would need the Nashville, TN edition if I am selected. I just can't believe all the sales that are listed. I have just started couponing again after a very long time of not couponing. Boy have the times changed. I never knew you could actually get more with coupons by matching them to sales! Thanks again! Stephanie
Hi, I am new and read about you in a US News article. I think what you do is great! My name is Rosemary and my email is rosemary_t_nguyen@hotmail.com. Could you please enter me into your Entertainment Book giveaway for the New York City (NY) edition? Thank you so much!
Hi, My name is Chris and I would like to be entered in the Entertainment book contest for the Greater Cleveland (OH). My email is cwilmoth79@gmail.com. Thanks!!!
hi there!
im new to your site and love it! saw you on dr.phil. I visit every day. please enter me in the entertainment book give away.
my name is monica and my email is meveps@gmail.com. i would need the nashville, tn edition.
Hi please enter me in your entertainment book contest. My name is Ashley & my e-mail is cutestchick1224@aol.com. I would need the Fort Worth, TX edition if I win!! I just want to thank you for everything you do! I saw you on the Dr. Phil show and I went to your website right afte the show was over and now I am on the website 2-3 times a day!! Its aweseom!!!
Hi, name is Susan and my email is susanmbittle@gmail.com. I would need the Middlesex/Central NJ book. I subscribed to your email feed! I don't know how you do it, FCM, you're great!
hi there. my name is monica. please enter me in the entertainment book giveaway. my email is meveps@gmail.com.
hi. its monica again. i forgot to tell you i would need the nashville, tn ediiton. my email is meveps@gmail.com.
thanks again!
I would love to be entered in the contest! I love to go to new places and try different things but I dont go anywhere without a coupon now since I saw you on the DR. PHIL show!! I recorded the show and had my husband watch it and we learned so much from you! I just want to let you know that I went to Albertson's yesterday with my husband and our soon to be 1 year old daughter and we were shopping I would get things with coupons or that was on sale I hand my husband the coupons, so we go to check out and we ended up getting $120 worth of groceries for $57!!!! My husbands eyes almost popped out of his head!! I was so excited I shouted at the checkout stand YES!!! Everyone around me must of thought i was a nut!! Anyway THANK YOU THANK YOU for all your work its awesome!!
MY name is Ashley Hickey
my e-mail address is cutestchick1224@aol.com and I would need the Fort Worth, TX book!
Hi my name is Leah and my email is ldbuckel@yahoo.com
Please enter me into your entertainment book contest.
I would like the Buffalo, NY edition!! Thanks for all the savings!! Your site is awesome :)
My name is Eva. Please enter me in the Entertainment Book Giveaway. My e-mail is eva.and.bill@hotmail.com
Thanks for all your help!
Hi. Please enter my name for the Las Vegas edition.
Thank you
Lori Sifuentes
HI!! Definitely enter me in your Entertainment book giveaway!!! My name is Chris and my email is cecarey311@msn.com
I have three kids under ten, and need any opportunity to save money I can get!!! Thanks for everything you do!!
Hi! I saw you on Dr.Phil and realized I really needed to start clipping coupons again! I would love to be entered in your Entertainment Book give away. I live in Northern Virginia so I would need the Washington DC book. My name is Dee and my email is soldbydee@aol.com Thanks for all your great info!
My name is Crystal. Please enter me in your Entertainment book giveaway for the Indianpolis/Central Indiana. My email is ccbtodd@msn.com.
I just found your website on Monday and already have my binder and accordian file and actually can't wait to get the Sunday coupons!
My name is Hollye Colbert and my e-mail address is reachhollye@hotmail.com. I would love to win the Atlanta, GA Entertainments coupon book.
Thanks for making your blogspot so user friendly!
Hello :o)
I would need the '09 Springfield, W. MA. Entertainment® Book edition for Western Massachussetts.
Email address is megan.taylor9@gmail.com. I also signed up for your feed & email newsletter.
Thanks for all the work you do.
phoenix, arizona
I would love to be entered in your entertainment book give away. We would use the Denver Colorado edition. My email is
I want to thank you soooo very much for all the hard work you put into your site ,tons of great info makes saving for our family that much easier. God Bless
Hello! I would like to enter in the Entertainment Book 2009 contest. I would need the Dallas Texas edition. My email is cookinmonkies@yahoo.com
ok I forgot to tell you that I also signed up for your email and feed, thanks so much for allll of your help,
I would like to be entered to receive the '09 Kansas City Entertainment® Book. Christy Franklin
I posted a comment, but forgot to leave you my email address, so I'm doing that now. It's launna9801@yahoo.com. Thanks again.
Hi, I'm Kara, email address is kjgilbert10@yahoo.com. I'd like the Twin Ports (MN) edition. I signed up for the newsletter yesterday, and love the site!
Entertainment Book Contest
Name: Marla
Location: Oregon
Email: organzme2@yahoo.com
Thanks Ashley!
Hi. I would LOVE a chance to win. Thank you so much.
Lorelle Johnson
the Birmingham, Al edition please.
Definitely interested in a free coupon book. A buddy at work has one and he loves it. I would need the Tulsa, Oklahoma edition if I win. I also joined your RSS feed and your email list too. Cool site, hear bunches about it.
shortynlove8587@yahoo.com- orlando edition
Your website is genius! :) Just came across it today & love it.
Sarah - tuswim @ yahoo . com
I love this book - I want to get another to keep in my hubby's car
Sarah tuswim @ yahoo . com
I forgot in my last comment - the Houston area book!
I subscribe to your feed.
Hi, I'm a first time reader and hopefully a coupon newbie. I would love to win a book. My email is Tanya7774@yahoo.com and we would use the San Diego, CA edition.
I am so glad for another chance to receive an Entertainment Book. I would like the "South Jersey Edition". I saw you on Dr. Phil and I also signed up for your newsletter. Thank you for all you do to help people make ends meet in these hard times. My name is Linda, powerlc@excite.com
I am so glad for another chance to receive an Entertainment Book. I would like the "South Jersey Edition". I saw you on Dr. Phil and I also signed up for your newsletter. Thank you for all you do to help people make ends meet in these hard times. My name is Linda, powerlc@excite.com
Hello! My name is Justin and would like to enter to win the Entertainment book.
Pittsburgh, PA is the book I would be looking for.
Email: burgh1jc@gmail.com
Hi, Please enter me in your Entertainment Book Contest. My name is Karla and my email is karla1@cox.net. I would like the Phoenix, AZ edition. I also joined your email list. Thank you!!
I would love to enter your entertainment book giveaway! My name is Dana and I would really enjoy the South New Hampshire edition. My email address is djw209@gmail.com.
I already have you on my RSS feed.
I just subscribed to your newsletter!
thanks for all your hard work! I am just starting out so I can't wait to see my savings!
Hi! Please enter me in the Entertainment Book giveaway (Springfied/Branson, MO edition). My e-mail is nbackues@yahoo.com.
I saw you on Dr. Phil this week and was really impressed. I'm a "lightweight" couponer looking to step it up a knotch!
Hi! Please enter me in your Entertainment Book contest. My name is Cindy and my email is okwriting@yahoo.com. I would need the Tulsa edition
I have subscribed to your feed and your newsletter. I would LOVE to be entered into the Entertainment Book giveaway (Springfield/Branson, MO edition). My e-mail is nbackues@yahoo.com
I have also posted a link to the giveaway on my blog, Chocolate Ink. You can see it here: http://chocolateink-nancy.blogspot.com/2009/03/entertainment-book-giveaway.html
I am interested in the Springfield/Branson, MO edition of the book. My e-mail is nbackues@yahoo.com
My name is Jennifer...please enter me in the Entertainment Book Giveaway. If I win I would like the Grand Rapids, Michigan book. Thanks for your great website!
My name is Joy. I would love the one for Kansas City KS/MO. My mom just gave me this site to look at and I love it. Thanks for your hard work.
My name is Kim, Please enter me in the entertainment book giveaway. I just discovered your site and am loving it! I can't wait to log in every day to see what the latest deals are. Very fun!
oops, my e-mail is berscky@hotmail.com
My name is Liza and I saw you on Dr. Phil and am SO GLAD I did. I'd like the Orlando Edition if I win. My e-mail is vabchgirl4886@yahoo.com.
Hi! For the Entertainment Book giveaway. My name is Alicia, and I'd need the Rochester, NY book. Thanks again for everything!
My name is Yessenia and my email is ysarmien@gmail.com. I would LOVE to win an Entertainment book!
Hi, My name is Andrea. My e-mail is andi.furtado@yahoo.com and I could use the FT Laud/W. Palm Beach, FL edition. I just wanted to thank you for inspiring women all over to save!
Hi, my name is Valerie. I just recently started using your site and am planning my strategic shopping trip to Walgreens. My email address is vmamccoy@aol.com.
Thanks for all your tips and tactics to those that are new to coupon strategizing.
I would like the Memphis 2009 Entertainment book.
I just subscribed to your feed and newsletter.
Kelly, kelly.tomlinson@gmail.com, Colorado Springs edition.
I signed up for your feed.
Hey! Please enter me in your Entertainment Book giveaway. My name is Michelle and my email address is chellelaryn@hotmail.com
I would need the Charlotte, NC edition.
Thanks for all your help...I'm new at couponing :)
I'm on the RSS Feed, and have been for a few days since I saw you on Dr. Phil! Time to learn how to coupon the right way, more than just cutting and using willy-nilly!
I would need the Orlando, FL edition email is: iwynlea (at) gmail (dot) com. Sorry, I don't want the spam, so I'm writing the email address that way.
Please enter me in your Entertainment Book contest. My name is Kelly & my e-mail is kellyastine@gmail.com. I would need the Austin TX edition. I just heard about your site today and have signed up for all the RSS feeds and lot it so far. Thanks!
Hi! My name is Sarah and my email address is smwerley@hotmail.com Please enter me for the San Antonio, Texas book! I saw you on Dr.Phil the other day and was inspired to start saving money! :) I actually posted on my blog about your website and where I saved the most money this week (Walgreens)and some other good deals!! Thanks for all the great info!! Keep it up!! :)
Hi! My name is Jennifer and I just saw you on the Dr. Phil show. Please enter me in your Entertainment Book contest. I have found your website very helpful! Thank you!!
Hopefully I win...
Amanda Steadele, ldybugamanda@gmail.com
Virginia Beach/Hamptoon Roads (VA)
Hi there, my names Linda and you have a great site. Please enter me for you Entertainment Book Giveaway: Fort Wayne Indiana. I also joined your email list. My email address is linna421@yahoo.com
Thank You.
Please enter me in the Entertainment Book contest. My name is Sherril and email is slnewberry@yahoo.com I would need the San Antonio, Texas edition. Love your website
Hi, I'm Danya. Love the site!
Please enter me, my email is MiamiBartenderBabe@gmail.com. I'd love the Miami/Florida Keys Edition. I signed up for your email list.
Hey! I'd like to enter in the Entertainment Book give away. I'd like the
St. Petersburg/Clearwater, Florida edition. I'm Tina and my email is cfomama@yahoo.com. Thanks for all you do!
Hi! I found out about your site on Dr. Phil. I'm a new stay at home mom and my new "job" is also trying to save money! I'm so grateful for all your information!!! Also, please enter me in your Entertainment Book Giveaway.
Louisiana- Baton Rouge
Hello! Please enter me in your Entertainment Book contest for the California Fresno/Central Valley area. My e-mail is ednelle1@hotmail.com. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful tips (and freebies) with all of us. Keep up the good work!
Hello! Please enter me in your Entertainment Book contest for the California Fresno/Central Valley area. My name is Ednelle and my e-mail is ednelle1@hotmail.com. Love the site, so much information (not to mention all the cool FREE stuff!). Thanks for sharing with the rest of us!!!!
Hi there ~ would love to be in the drawing :) I would love to win the Spokane WA entertainment book! I'm new to your website (after seeing you on Dr. Phil) and I am LOVING it! Never entered for so much stuff in my life, but I'm becoming addicted! I've printed out tons of coupons and I'm getting organized. Thanks so much for the inspiration!!
~ Sarah @ sebunney@yahoo.com
Hi. Thanks for another chance.
Salt Lake City Edition.
I just signed up for your emails. Thanks for a chance to win. Salt Lake edition please.
Hi, I'm Mindy. My email is mindala2@verizon.net. I just joined. Great site. Please enter me in the Entertainment Book giveaway. I am interested in the Philadelphia West edition. Thanks.
as i've said before, great website girlfriend! i am totally getting into couponing.
i'd like the birmingham, al book if i win please
Hi, I would like to be entered for the Entertainment book contest. My e-mail is: Kimflute@earthlink.net and I would like the Charlotte, NC edition.
Kim McCutchen
Hi. I would like to be entered into the Entertainment Book contest. My name is Amy and my email address is tay2lexi@aol.com. I would like the Entertainment Book for Louisville, Ky.
Thank you so much for all you do!!! You are wonderful!!!
Hello! My name is Erin Keel, and my email address is erin_keel@hotmail.com.
I would need the Greenville/Spartanburg area South Carolina Entertainment Book.
I am sooo excited to have found your blog! It has already helped me tremendously after only a week! Thanks for taking the time to help us minister to our families and communities!
I'd like a Richmond, VA book! Thanks for the chance to win!
deborahcraft at yahoo dot com
My name is Alicia, and I saw you on Dr. Phil and actually wanted to re-commit myself to using coupons and find better ways to do it. We would love the Austin, TX edition of the Entertainment book. I'll sign up for your email list as well! Thanks for all you do! My email is aliciainboston@gmail.com
my name is mindy i would like the ny westchester book minsthins(at)optonline(dot)net
I'm Lisa I'd like the Huntington Entertainment® Book edition.
I'd like the Balto edition.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would like the Quad Cities (Davenport) Iowa book thank you for the contest
I'd love the Houston book. Thanks! utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com
Please enter me in the entertainment book contest. I appreciate how you lay out all the deals for us. I am just learning how to save money. I would like the SE Wisconsin version if I win. Krice2@wi.rr.com
Hi Please enter me in your entertainment book contest for san jose, california. My name is Susan and my email address is sehutton@comcast.net
Thank you for all you do!
I would love to win an Entertainment Book (CA - San Gabriel Edition). Thanks for the great giveaway!
Please enter me in your giveaway for the St. Louis, MO addition. My name is Kelly. Thank you so much.
Stockton/Modesto book.
I read your blog in my google reader!
Hi, my name is Shawna and I would like to be entered in your Entertainment Book contest. I would need the San Antonio 2009 book, if I win. My email address is frakesfam@att.net. Thanks for sharing with all of us this great...very useful information!
Hi I'm Cheryl, I'd love the Chicago North
msboatgal at aol dot com
Wow, this is great -- thanks so much for the giveaway! If I were to win, my choice would be the Kansas City edition.
Please enter me into the coupon book giveaway.
remoseley at hotmail(dot) com
Thanks for the giveaway, I love you site! I would like the Dayton/Springfield Ohio book.
Hi! I'm Tracee and I saw you on Dr. Phil. I'm new to this coupon stuff and I just LOVE it so far! My e-mail address is honeybeeecplus3@aol.com. I am "follwing" your blog by subscribing through my google blog. I'd need the Charleston, SC Entertainment book. Thanks!
Hi, My name is Tina. I would like to be entered in the Entertainment Book giveaway. My email address is tsimon01@gmail.com. I saw you on Dr. Phil last week and was amazed and I am well on my way to getting in on the coupon action!! I am signimg up for your newsletter and your feed.
Thanks so much for helping me to find another way to save money. I have 2 boys, own my home and have been out of work due to an illness wince June, and disability is barely covering my bills.
This has been a God send!!
Thank you so much!!
Just testing to see if I can leave a comment.
You did it!
Count me in the running for the Entertainment book.
Cathy W.
Dallas, TX Book
I subscribed to your feed via Google Reader.
Cathy W.
I subscribed to email updates.
Cathy W.
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