Remember how I told you there was only ONE magazine I buy. The rest of the magazines I get for FREE. I buy this magazine because I have yet to ever see it for free, and I do not expect to. It is also loaded with amazing large vlaue coupons.
Well Amazon has a great deal during the Month of March. If you buy a two year subscription NOW you get a $10 Amazon Bonus (a $10 Amazon gift card.)
Here is the Math:
Pay $39.84 for two years
Get a $10 Amazon gift card
It is like paying $29.84 for two years
That is like $1.24 an issue!!!
You will have a lot of bang for your buck because these magazines are flooded with large value coupons...worth A LOT more than $1.24!
You can get this great offer HERE or in my left sidebar!
I would be very interested but am Canadian - are the coupons in All You restricted to USA only?
Four Leaf Clover - do you have a Wal-mart? If so I would go buy the Magazine there (it is sold ONLY in Walmarts) and see if it fits your country. Sorry I do not know the answer to this.
You can also get a 2-year subscription from Southern Living consultants for $19.95
Deal Seeking Mom and Carmella from Southern Living at Home are offering a 2-year subscription deal on "All You" for $17.99 right now. Click here for more info: Breaks down to $.75 an issue!
I just signed up for the magazine, price was for $39.94, if you sign up for their credit card you get a $30 credit which brings balance to $9.94 with the $10 bonus its a $.06 Money maker.
Good job DON'T charge anything else on that card!
I love All You's coupons! It seems there are many great deals on the subscriptions out there right now!
As ShanR said, Southern Living at HOME sells a 24 issue/2 year subscription for $19.95. I am a consultant, if anyone is looking for one, and I offer the 2 year subscription 10% off so it's only $18.
I don't plan to, Thanks for all of your great ideas I just started reading your site after the Dr. Phil show.
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